My maternal grandmother passed away just shy of her 105th birthday. She was alive to not only see her great grandchildren born, but even one great-great grandchild. She played games everyday and though she slowed down she kept her wits about her. I know that if I live that long I want to be the healthiest I can be for the longest possible. What a joy it will be to see my family grow through the generations.
While I know I will benefit from losing weight I also know that there are lots of other changes I could make to be healthier overall.
This is what intrigued me about the Vitality Program at Eleve MedSpa. There are five pillars of Vitality (from
- Nutrition: How can you eat for longevity? How can you eat to prevent chronic disease?
- Exercise: What exercise prescription is specific to you? How can you workout smarter not harder?
- Sleep: How well are you sleeping? Are you allowing your body enough rest to recover? Do you have the right tools in place?
- Stress Management: How well do you manage your stress? What tools are available to help reduce the negative affects of stress?
- Supplementation: What supplements are you lacking? What supplements can help you live a longer healthier life?
When I was talking to Katrina about my health history she asked me a lot of questions that all related back to the five pillars of health. All the information I shared with her along with all the data from the testing we did in the two assessment appointments are now in the hands of the doctors so they can come up with a plan that will not only help me, but also fit into my lifestyle.
In my interview with Katrina she asked about exercise I enjoy and exercise I do not like. I made it clear that running is not my thing, but I do like lifting weights. She told me that I can be sure that the plan that I am given on March 12th will not include running three miles a day. I am very excited to find out what my personalized program will look like.
If you want to learn more about the Vitality Program visit